Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bernhard Huber and Margrethe Fehr Family

"On the 9th of December 1748 came to me Heinrich Huber from Hor... but who is sitting on a fiefdom in Schaffhausen and asked me to write his children, who were baptized in Schaffhausen, into the parish baptism book here (Horben-Buch, Uesslingen, Thurgau, Switzerland) what I did in the following"

(240) Bernhard Huber, born Apr 12, 1735 (in Horben-Buch, Uesslingen, Thurgau, CH)
md 1758 (in Schaffhausen, Schaffhausen,  CH, to)
Margarethe Fehr from Flaach
workpeople from Schaffhausen
Jacob, born Aug 8, 1759
Maria Barbara, born Jul 13, 1761
Heinrich, born Sep 29, 1762 , living at Bern
Bernhard, born Jun 11, 1766 -- Margaretha Wäber (Waeber), died Sep 23, 1819 at Bern
Maria Elisabeth, born Jul 11, 1769

Source: Horben, Uesslingen, Thurgau, Switzerland Family Book (Switzerland)

"On the 9th of December 1748 came to me Heinrich Huber from Hor... but who is sitting on a fiefdom in Schaffhausen and asked me to write his children, who were baptized in Schaffhausen, into the parish baptism book here (Horben-Buch, Uesslingen, Thurgau, Switzerland) what I did in the following"